Programme - Version PDF détaillée

Lattice quotients in some generalizations of the weak order

Vincent Pilaud

Algèbres aimables

Hugh Thomas

Volumes and triangulations of flow polytopes

Martha Yip

Horaire des mini-cours

Heure Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi
9:30-10:20 Pilaud Yip Pilaud Yip
10:20-11:00 exercices et café exercices et café exercices et café exercices et café
11:00-11:50 Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas
11:50-12:30 exercices exercices exercices exercices
12:30-14:00 lunch lunch lunch lunch
14:00-14:50 Pilaud Pilaud Yip (local PK-R250) Yip
14:50-15:30 exercices et café exercices et café exercices et café exercices et café
15:30- discussions discussions Avery St. Dizier (local PK-R250) Rafael González D'Léon

Horaire de l'atelier le vendredi

Heure Conférencier/Conférencière Titre
9:00-9:30 Sibylle Schroll From gentle algebras to graphs to surfaces
9:30-10:00 Eva Philippe Realizations of the s-permutahedron via flow polytopes
10:00-10:15 session d'affiches
10:20-11:00 Café
11:00-11:30 Khrystyna Serhiyenko Wilting Theory
11:30-12:00 Matias von Bell Framing lattices and flow polytopes
12:00-12:30 Spencer Bachman A Regular Unimodular Triangulation of the Matroid Base Polytope
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Antoine Abram Flow Polytopes of Graphs with Cycles
14:00-14:30 Jonah Berggren Flows on Gentle Algebras
15:30-16:30 Colloque au CRM: Sara Faridi Free resolutions of powers of square-free monomial ideals